Apprentice or Assistant Opportunity

This position is currently filled as of July 2016. I have begun work with my eighth apprentice, Kerry Porche, and I will advertise again when his apprenticeship comes to an end. Meanwhile, I will leave the below description up so that potential apprentices can learn about what this opportunity means.
Originally posted in March 2016:
My apprentice of the last year and a half, Dean Pieranunzi, will be moving on at the end of June this summer to begin setting up his own pottery business and continue pursuing music in Asheville, NC. I am proud of the progress he has made here and look forward to watching him develop independently.
But it is time now to begin looking for a new apprentice or assistant here at the Jones Pottery. If you are a serious young potter who is looking for an opportunity to grow and develop your skills toward a lifetime of potting, you might want to consider this position.
I am looking for someone who is willing to do chore work (including: cutting and stacking wood, mixing clay and glazes, processing native materials cleaning kiln, shelves, bricks, etc.) and is interested in developing their throwing and decorating skills. I supply housing (a cabin apartment on the property) with utilities and a stipend.
Please contact me via email through this website or at or call (828) 683-2705 for more information.
Matt Jones